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Scholarship Program

We appreciate your membership and participation in Texas Goat Breeders Association. We have had a successful year giving out over $120,000 to exhibitors at Ft Worth, San Angelo, San Antonio, Houston, and Rodeo Austin Stock Shows. We have grown to 160+ members and sold around 5000 tags. We are a volunteer-based organization at this point and feel we have made tremendous growth and accomplished a lot of our goals.

Amid all of that if we continue on this trend we are not bringing in enough money to cover our payout on a yearly basis. In discussion the board has talked about raising the price of the Membership and/or Tags, decreasing payment amount to exhibitors, and not participating in the doe portion of the Major stock shows. In conclusion we have decided not to do any of the above but change the way we support the Doe Shows. We feel that the Does are an important part in the scheme of Texas Goat Breeder Association Members and have been looking at ways to promote and enhance the Doe Shows in Texas. We is to have a scholardhip p have come up with a program that we feel will promote and grow the Doe Shows in Texas.

Texas Goat Breeders has formed a committee to promote and collect monies to give Scholarships based on a point system from the 3 Shows that have Wether Does in there shows at the current time (San Angelo, San Antonio, Rodeo Austin) In lieu of $100 payment in the ring there will be a point system, and exhibitors with the most combined point s at the end of the year will receive scholarships.

These scholarships will be funded by a combination of tag sales, selling semen jumps and Does donated by TGBA members in online sale. All monies will be appropriated for scholarships and will be determined by the total of monies collected. We anticipate being able to give at least 20- $1000 scholarships at the end of the year.

We are asking for any of you that would like to donate a Semen Jump, a Doe or donate to please Contact Jamie Smith, Jeff Ripley, Pammy Millican or myself to discuss options.

We appreciate your support and are excited about the future of our youth exhibiting goats and the Texas Goat Breeders Association.


Consignment Letter

Doe Point System

Jump Explanation

Sponsorship Opportunities